Manufactring Job Card


Have been experiencing a situation where printing the Manufacturing Job card from a released job where it shows the routing steps but no components despite both being setup for item being produced.

Can anyone explain why ?. And how to fix.




Can you tell us witch report are you printing ? Most likely this isn’t an error because many standard reports need modifications to fulfill all customer needs.

Hello Report is 99000762 Production orde Job card.



May be you have set Routing Link Code in Routing and not in Components… [:(]


No these are setup. Any other ideas ?.


Yes, (not in Item card) the link between Prod. Order Routing Line and Prod. Order Component is

Status=FIELD(Status),Prod. Order No.=FIELD(Prod. Order No.),Routing Link Code=FIELD(Routing Link Code)

For Ex:

For Item 1000, Routing is 10 and Compnents are 1,2,3

If you set Routing Link Code for Routing 10 and not set for Components 1,2,3…

in report only routing 10 is shown and components are not shown.

If you set same Routing Link Code for Components also…then the Components are also shown…


This report prints components based in you routing lines. Can you check you have any routing line in your manufacturing order ? If you don’t have, run the report “refresh production order”.