Mailing Table Data

In version 2.60US, I am trying to put multiple lines into an email based on multiple table lines. The following (simplified) code replaces the data each time, so that only the information from the last record is displayed in the email. Am I missing something or does the functionality not exist? VAR MAPIMessages - OCX - Microsoft MAPI Messages Control, version 5.0 SalesLine.SETRANGE; IF SalesLine.FIND('-') THEN REPEAT MAPIMessages.MsgNoteText := SalesLine2."No." + ' ' + SalesLine2.Description UNTIL SalesLine.NEXT = 0;

Your discription is correct ! What you want to do is : SalesLine.SETRANGE; IF SalesLine.FIND(’-’) THEN REPEAT MAPIMessages.MsgNoteText := MAPIMessages.MsgNoteText + SalesLine2.“No.” + ’ ’ + SalesLine2.Description UNTIL SalesLine.NEXT = 0; But this will also not work !! The only way i know is : MAPIMessages.MsgNoteText := text1 +text2+text3+text4… the length of each text can be up to 250 characters.