Install Commerce Gateway Solution where Commerce Gateway Request Server is installed on its own server


I am a technical writer. Can any one explain to me what the author means by the following sentence. Is it technically ok?

Install Commerce Gateway Solution where Commerce Gateway Request Server is installed on its own server (as opposed to an installation where all components are installed on the same computer).

What does the author mean by “on its own server”.

Thank you!



Hi Amudha

I don’t get it and it doesn’t make much sense to me. From where did you copy this?

I suggest you read the w1w1NACG.pdf document on the product CD which describes the installation and system management of Navision Commerce Gateway.



Commerce Gateway has a number of components. You can install all components on one machine (in a demo environment for instance), and they can all be installed on separate machines, in a distributed live environment (for instance where you would have Biztalk on a dedicated machine, a dedicated machine for the CG requests and another machine for the NAV database).

Thank you very much for this information!