how to link a sql server with navision

hi ,all how to link with the sql server wiht navision and how to store the data in the sql server tables .how to update the changes in the navision table into sql server table.

The easiest way is to use ADO.

Mr.David what is meant by ADO

Can u Expain.



ADO it’s a COM automation that allow application to manipulate databases. In this case you can use ADO in Navision to make queries in SQL Server.


Through ADO (i.e Active Data objects which is commonly used in Visual Basic to connect different dataabase).you need to declare a variable of automation type & select the concerning library & also declare variable for fetching of record from sql server & pass the sql query through C/AL can also manipulate the table data in sql server).

Look in the doc folder in the product-CD. You’ll find w1w1adg.pdf which is the application designers guide.

Read chapter 7.4. I think that might answer your question


In Navision 4.03 (others works the same way).

//Create an ODBC connection using the SQL server drivers.
//In Navison create a Global Variable as indicated below.

//CAL Global Variables created below
Name DataType Subtype
ADO_Connection Automation ‘Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library’.Connection
ADO_RecordSet Automation ‘Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset 2.7 Library’.Recordset

//You can use other Active Data Objects 2.8 etc.
//Then use the ADO connection indicated in various forums.
//If you need further help, ask. Some people will point to other forums or give you links that no longer works.
//Time is short, but searching takes for ever.

If it is a small table and you want to view only in NAV. I would use a linked object (it involves creating a sql view). Once again check the application designer guide.

I have done a number of interation project where I used a combination of linked objects and ado.

Good luck.

Santosh’s post sounded as though he was running Native database but wants to link to SQL.