How to link 2 Data Items in a report?

Hi all, i am a beginer of navision. I do not know how to link 2 data item field together.

For example,

Item Data A field(Order No, Order Date)

Item Data B field(Order Date, Items No, Item Name)

Report columns includes Order No Order Date Item No

Report filter by Order Date

How I bind the Item No while i filter the Order Date???

Please kindly help me…thank you

I am not getting which tables you have mentioned there by saying item Data A and item data B.

But the following lines might be helpful to you in understanding the dataitem link.

DataItem A is your first dataitem.

DataItem B is your second dataitem.

If you want to link them, then just indent the DataItem B one level, go to the properties of DataItem B.

Check whether the DataItemLinkReference is populated with DataItem A or not. If not kindly enter DataItem A in that field.

The field just below that will be DataItemLink, its a lookup one, press F6, and Start selecting the fields that you want to use for link.

Remember: This is just the simple and common use of it… kindly refer the books. and keep doing practice on it with different scenarios.

You will have ideas then… Best of Luck

Hi Kashyap N Pandya

My Item No from DataItem B cannot be pull out when I filter by Order No from DataItem A

Thats what I have explained…!!!

Does the Order No field exist in DataItem B???

Which field of DataItem A is linked with DataItem B.???

Do those fields contain unique values at every document…???

Think on these, try to understand these and do some changes…

Thank for you help

I understand already…[:)]

As for many post like this. You should review the PDF w1w1adg.pdf that comes on the product cd. It has a whole section about reports. If you don’t have it the the 2005 version is available for download here: