how to determine total component cost vs finished item from Inventory AX 2012

I wonder if there is a clean way to isolate total components cost vs finished items from inventory for a given period when using costing other than standard AX 2012 CU2. we have production orders in stages - some started, others ended as well as some reported as finished. Matl auto consumed at Start. Inventory reports doesn’t break this down as easily as they only show total physical, financial values - For raw materials total, we try to arrive at this value by looking at the inventory transactions of what is “Sold” + “deducted” - “Received” from Production transactions. And take what’s received and purchased from PO. One other thing that complicates the matter is when the item is physically received or deducted vs when they are sold/purchased (if one of them fall outside the given period).

thanks for your insights.

You can run the physical inventory by cost (think there is no total in AX2012 so export to Excel and sum).

This gives you what is physically in stock, although it will give you an “average” cost. I will assume you have categorised your items by item group or another reporting metric to allow the report to be run once for RM and once for parent items. Stages of production do not matter, what matters is what you have in stock, and if you consume at start they are WIP and not physically available (have been transformed into a state that cannot be untransformed - arguably). If you include physical in the average, and depending upon your fluctuation, the report will give you a goof component and finished good stock value.