How to Delete Company Data In Ax

Hai all,

I know how to import the data in ax,now i need to Know How to delete one company data in Ax.i search in this forum about this but i didn’t understand the privious one.

If you want to delete the transactions - Open the Class - SysDatabaseTransDelete from AOT and run it in the company in which you want to delete the transactions…

Hai kranthi,

I have 3 companies in my Ax




And i have data in 2 companies ,so now i need to dalete the complete one company called ABC

If you want to delete the transactions in a company go with the above process.

If you want to remove a company whole - Administration → Company Accounts → select the company which you want to delete and then delete it.

Note: You should not be in that company(ABC) when you are trying to delete that company(ABC).