Getting the "TempDB table field can not be empty" while printing the Cheque report

Dear All,

I am working on cheque print configuration in payment journal of Accounts payable module.

I have created 5 checks for ENBD bank and entered all the details.

But when printing the report i am getting “TempDB table field can not be empty for Recid 5637189576” error. I have not done any changes in the Cheque_DP and Cheque_Controller, it is standard

Please any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance [:)]

Suspect may be there is a customization, share more details.

Hi Krishna, Thanks for your quick reply. I have checked that there is no customization done. it is standard, and i am opening for ENBD bank, Check US format

Can you click the Edit button in the infolog? It should show you the place in code throwing the error, which is an important thing to know.

Ya Martin, I did Edit, It will open the SrsReportViewer form

Could you be more specific, please? Which method and which line? What code is on that line?

Hi Martin, In SysViewer form, “AxReportViewer_RefreshComplete” method i am getting this error