Generate payments from ledgerJournalTransVendPaym

Hi there,

i am looking for a word of advice from someone who has been using EFT as a payment method in vendor payment journal…

I have created a formatted file ready to be uploaded to the bank, from the LedgerJournalTrans table. the problem is with the file number that has to be kept as a payment reference. that should be a sequential number, unique for the journal, much like the cheque number is unique to the voucher, when the payment method is by Cheque.

there is a vendOutPaym_Cheque class that is invoked when you click Functions>GeneratePayments button on the ledgerJournalTransVendPaym form. My idea was to replicate that class just instead of using the bankChequePaymTrans table, to create a corresponding table for EFT files.

if there is a less complicated way, from anyone’s experience, i would appreciate help…
