general round off in exchange rate

Hi all,

I’ve a queries about round off in exchange rate.

If i agree with following round off numbers:

1.2343 round off to 1.234
1.2345 round off to 1.235
1.2347 round off to 1.235

how much i should set for my general round off ??


The number decimals allowed in the General round off are only 2

that means u can take upto - 0.01

if u put this to 0.01 - you will get 1.23 for 1.2343 and if u put 0.001 in general round of it will become zero and b default it will take 0.01

I think u need to increase the number of decimals…

If i put 0.02 , how much i get from 1.2343 ?

By accounting practice, rounding off must be 0.01

  1. general round off will not work for exchange rate conversion.

  2. by default it will display 4 decimals

  3. inform your tech that change EDT for exchange rate conversion form and change form control on table lelvel in AOT

it will return 1.24

if u want 3 decimals on exchange rate, change form control only for 3 decimals and enter manaully exchange rate as 1.234 , 1.235 etc

I believe no round off should be other than combiantion of 1 and o. e.g. .01,0.01,1.01 etc. others give wrong interpretation.


This is Maria. I have query on decimal values.

i have a decimal value a= 8.34512

when im rounding it or finding the abs … it is giving like 8.35

i would like to get 8.34, i dont want to round off … i want to truncate the remaining decimal. I meant i wanted to get the result as 8.34 and i dont want 0.00512

How should i get these ?

Please advise.

I Found Below in Axapta…Hope It Helps a Bit…

= 0.01

= 0.10

= 1.00

= 100.00













I Found Below in Axapta 2009, Hope It Helps a Bit…

98.765.43 98.765.40 98.765.00 98.800.00
98.765.43 98.765.40 98.765.00 98.700.00
98.765.43 98.765.50 98.766.00 98.800.00