
My (client’s) problem is their G/L codes have embedded dashes (eg: 123-456-789).

FRx (or, more accurately, Integration Designer/Data Refresher) does not tolerate ‘special characters’ (like ‘-’) in G/L codes.

The client will not change their G/L codes to accomodate FRx.

Does anyone know of a solution/work-around for this? Failing a complete solution, any tips/pointers/ideas on a direction to go in to create one?

Thanks’ in advance.


Use field “No. 2” and populate it without the dashes. In frx use that field instead of “No.” field.

That sounds interesting, I’ll try it.



Well …

Data Refresher (aka Integration Designer) kicked up a fuss when it saw the GL with dashes for the 1st time, but a load ran successfully, and it looks like FRx is can work with the result. We’ll see if smoke comes out anywhere else.

Question: It was suggested to populate No.2 with the G/L codes without the dashes and have FRx use those codes instead. I’ve hunted around, but can’t see how you would do that. Any pointers would be appreciated.

