Export NAV 5.0 SP1 Reports to Excel (Native DB)


Is there is a way in NAV 5.0 to export reports as Excel (We have a option to export forms into excel)

I have used the excel Automation objects to create the report (Excel, Sheet, Range…). But it is not feasible to include group by fileds without report design.

Please advise.




You can save report as HTML and then open that HTML file using Excel.

Hi Sundar,

You can use the Excel Buffer table in NAV to export reports into Excel. Look at Report 6 for an example. But you would need to write a line of code to export every single field in NAV report into Excel. There is no other way aroung this.

The other way, is to use Surya’s method of exporting to HTML and opening the report in Excel. But the results may not be desirable, as alignments of fields will be out.


Hi Jordi,

Thank you. I will try that option

Thanks Surya :slight_smile: