Excise and cess setup of Navision 2009


any idea the step of excise and cess setup of navision .




any idea the step of excise and cess setup of navision .




I warned you already in another thread - DO NOT flood forum by reposting ! [:@]


hello modris

iam agree with u but if iam not getting answer that’s why i post again, instead of providing the solution u just provide me the guideline how to work on forum.


YES, you got it - that’s just what I’m trying to do.

Please remember, that forum is operated by volunteers in their FREE time, and nobody here is obliged to provide a solution for you or anyone else. Less than 24 hours passed from your first post, and you bump it up again, plus, by simply copypasting the previous very undescriptive question.

Then, as your question is unconcrete, give more details - have you tried to solve this and have stuck somewhere, or are you just willing the other members look up documentation for you and repost it here? Only you yourself know the exact situation, how do you expect to get a concrete answer not giving ANY details?

BTW, if you had looked a little bit around the forum, you shoud have noticed not only “Before your first post” instructions, but that there is a special Indian forum which deals with India specific Navision issues, especially what refers to Indian taxation system, which is so complicated, that rare Indian specialist can claim he knows it from A to Z, not to speak about people from other countries. Please use Indian forum in the future for such India localisation specific questions.