Error message

Dear all

How do I prompt an error message supposedly if the user does not enter any number in the “Quantity” field. The default value of “Quanitity” field is zero. Can you show me the codings and where to put it.

Welcome to DUG [:)]

Why dont you read some basic technical documents and ask your senior for help?


Ive read the notes, but i still need help):

Thank you


Go to object designer

Go to specify table and find qunantity field and write following code in onvalidate trigger

If Quantity=0 then

ERROR(‘Quantuty can not be zero’)

Try replicating the error in one of the thousands of sports in the system this type of thing is done. For example, you can’t enter a line on a sales order until you specify a customer on the header. See how they do it there.

But if they bypass that field the code is never called.

sorry i forgot that

you can wrie this code in codeunit which is posting the entry