Double CallContext Definition


I have a little issue and I hope anybody could help.

I created a customservice in ax2012, which is consumed in Visual Studio 2010. It works fine, but I wanted to add the InventInventoryOnHandService to use its functionallity. So I added the Service to the Servicegroup that deploys my Customservice.

However If I call the Callcontext-class, VS marks a definition of the attributes still exists. Deleting the Definition at the Reference.cs file results in runtime errors.

How can I resolve this problem?

Thank you.

Ok, deleting the CallContext definition from my CustomService in Reference.cs works, but adding another Service throws the same error again. This cann’t be best practice.

Having one ServiceGroup for each Service could be the best solution, but having all Services in one Group would be better to handle.

Thanks for advice

It’s me again …

Seems like the problem is my customService. Anyway just that service causes the problem.

Has anybody a hint what’s wrong with my custom service ?