Hi all,
i don no whether this is fair question or not…is it possible to see the edit design of RTC Menu actions??
for example .
for example this is screenshot for customize navigation pane in RTC . I wanna check the design of this… How to get this???
You need to check Menusuite in development environment…
Thanks Mohana for ur quick response,
Through developement environment we can just add objects to navigation pane…But i want to see actions for menusuite.
for ex: in RTC we have one menu option called " Customize Navigation Pane". for this menu option i want to check the design and event triggers for that .
I hope u understood my question.
i think that you will not see the event and design for that as it is system option given .
Then what is the alternative???
In department Menu bar i have groups like dis
Financial Management ---->General Ledger —> Cash Management. I need to Move this Cash management Object from this group to another group Sales & Marketing ??
Something like this Sales & Marketing —>Cash Management
How to achieve this???
Go to Developer Environment
Go to object designer and click on Mensuite .Select menusuite used in RTC and then click on Design.
This will make menusuite in design mode .Now you can move or change anything in Navigation pane as per your requirement
Thanks Amol…I ll the convey the same to client…
Client wants to customize this navigation pane from
Client wants to customize this navigation pane from RTC by himself.