database conversion

i wondered if there are any problems if you convert a 2.60 DB into 3.70 DB. i talk about CONVERSION and not UPGRADE. means: i shut down the server, open the 2.60 DB with a 3.70 client, click yes to convert the DB, install the 3.70 server, install the 3.70 clients and start the server again? besides the fact that the report designer will freak out …

I haven’t heard of any problems. Nor have I heard about the report designer freaking. What happens to the report designer?

Hie, Be carrefull !!! I did it and i have problem with the calcdate fonction In 2.60 you have calcdate(’+1D’,…) In 3.70 you must have calcdate(’<+1D>’,…) It 's better too to make a fbk in 2.60 and do a restore in 3.70 , in steads of open a database 2.60 in 3.70. Say me what . Thanks

first, i have heard of may cases where the report engine from 2.60 behaved in a different way then the one in 3.70. and it could be a problem since the have a ton of reports. second, navision 3.xx is a new granule in the license so they’ll have to buy that in order to even open the DB, i guess.


Originally posted by ahed4
first, i have heard of may cases where the report engine from 2.60 behaved in a different way then the one in 3.70. and it could be a problem since the have a ton of reports. second, navision 3.xx is a new granule in the license so they’ll have to buy that in order to even open the DB, i guess.

If you don’t work with sql there is no change with the report. The upgrade of licence 2.60-3.70 is in the maintenance contrat[:)]