Data Restriction by department

My client asked thta there are 4 departments in his company, and if NAV 2009 can allow user to access to only data of department which user belong to.

i.g. if sales invoice is created for one department, user who are not belong to the deparment can not see the sales invoice.

Is there any function that NAV 2009 can define departments, assign user to one of departments, and restrict user’s access to data of other department?

Thank you,


There is no standard functionality avaible accorting to Department wise.

It requires customization .

I think support the functionality according to Responsibility centre wise.

tthink about that functionality u can get some ideas


Responsibility Centres can help you solve the problem, but:

  1. Users will still be able to remove filtering and see other Dept’s documents, it is not a complete denial of access.
  2. RC’s are an optional granule even for BRL AM license.

A customisation can be done, general idea here is setting filters to docs IN CODE according to logged-on user’s rights - such filtering can not be removed by user.

Hi Modris,

Can you please give an example how to filter the specific department so that user can not see unassigned records by using Show All functionality.

Just go through the Responsibility centre functionality which in availble In Inventorymanagement Manual

It is explained in Detail.

You can try out Security Filter as well.