Closing Inventory Period


i have a problem here about closing inventory period in microsoft dynamic nav 5.0. i heard that if we have processed closing inventory period, we can’t make any transaction that will apply to or apply from item entry which is already closed ?

sample :

i was close inventory period year 2008 and then i make purchase return in year 2010 but that purchase return have to apply to item entry year 2008. i posted it and it works. is it should be work or not ?

thx’s before,


It will work, Inventory periods are meant for stopping fresh transactions in closed periods and in addition “closing” it means any adjustments if r being done or are to be done will be done and posted in open Inventory period.

it means that When the inventory period is closed, users cannot post value changes or new values before this ending date ?

Yes, but u can always open the period if u want to .

thx u for your information.