Classic client: modify menu item properties via code

Is it possible to toggle the “Visible” property on the menu items attached to a menu button on a form?

Additional clarification: I would like to turn menu items on or off using C/Side code, so that functionality can be hidden from some users, and be visibleto others.

You can add a boolean variable and assign it to menu button name field…

in OnAfterGetrecord trigger, based on the condition you can set it to visible or hide

CurrForm..Visible := ;

MenuItems are not dynamic. You can have multiple Menu Buttons with different Menu Items and show/hide the buttons accordingly.

I hope this post is regarding Menu Button–>menu Items… [8-)]

@ Mohana,

Do you mean to define a bool variable and assign it to the name property of the menu button.

Yes, that’s what I figured. Thanks for confirming it.
