Change of Modified in Object Designer via Codeunit

Hello, can anyone help me with problem? I need change a property Modified in Object Desingner to False for all objects via report or codeunite run. I tried to use this script, but I have returned a message, that this table cannot be modified. IF Object.FIND(’-’) THEN REPEAT Object.Modified := FALSE; Object.MODIFY; UNTIL Objekty.NEXT = 0; Thank you for your time and an advice.

Just tried it; using my developers-license it works… No setup of permission.

Hi! Check the Modify-Permission of the Object-Table!

Global: LicPermission, Type: Record, Subtype: 2000000043 "License Permission"

LicPermission.GET(LicPermission.Type::Table, 2000000001);  // "Object"-Table
MESSAGE('%1', LicPermission."Modify Permission");

If the MESSAGE displays nothing you can not do any changes to the Object-Table [V] … By the way: can you change the “Modified”-Attribute manually? Regards, Jörg

I tried, but I received with my SD license this message: “You cannot modify table data in the object table. Modify the table definition instead Table: Report List”


“You cannot modify table data in the object table. Modify the table definition instead Table: Report List”

So your Filter on the Object-Table is wrong!!!

Object.SETFILTER(Object.Type, '<>%1', Object.Type::TableData);

[;)] Jörg

Thank you, that was the problem…