Can't fix SQLSYSTEMVARIABLES table error


I restored an Axapta database from a different server to my new one and now get the following SQL error message when I try to log on:

[Microsoft][ODBC Database Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid object name ‘SQLSYSTEMVARIABLES’.

I understand what the problem is, however, the fixes I tried don’t seem to work.

I tried this:

exec sp_change_users_login ‘update_one’,‘bmssa’,‘bmssa’

I also tried changing the database owner.

exec sp_changedbowner ‘bmssa’

My installation is Axapta 3.0 SP3 on SQL 2000 SP3, running on 2003 Server SP1. I created the bmssa user after restoring the DB on the new server from a backup. From what I’ve read, the SIDs are different for the bmssa user on each DB, and that’s the reason for the error. But as I said, the above fixes didn’t fix the issue. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.


Hi Therrel. I believe that you have already found the solution to your issue, but anyway. I’d like to help other users that encounter the same issue. try the repair sql 2005 bkp file program that automatically eliminates database errors despite of the reason of damage

Hi Therrel,

I had this issue in Ax 3.0 before and this is what I did - I copied this table from a working installation. Subsequently it worked fine.

You can move tables from one installation to another by using standard SQL server tools.

Hope this helps,