Canot call code unit from Job Queue?

Dear All,

I am trying to call my codeunit from A job Queue. it user to work in the last 3 days. but starting from today its not working. Though I setup the time more than one time, but it acts as if is was not call. I tried the follwoing:

1- Restarted NAS server

2- Change the table relation in code unit to “Job Qeue Entry”

3- Tried to call it directly from the object designed and it works PERFECTLY.

I am really confused ? what should I do more ?

Best Regards,


Now I manage to run it, but its runs only for like 2 sec then it says that i was completed successfully!

Usually when I run it from the object designer its takes like 5 min to complete. Coz it goes through 100,000 record, but when I run it from the Job Queue its takes like 3 sec and nothing happens.

Did you check the log entries related to that job queue.

I did checl the Job Queue Log Entries. The whole Job was completed in less than one min

I did check *