Calling Report

HI, In Released Prod. Orders Form Under Manufacturing module we print job card. I added a new report to the list where with other informations i have to print the current production order no. means how can i do it? I tried in the following way - 1> I added a new data item production order on the report 2> I put a text box in report with source expression production 3> On the push event of the newly created menu item i write the following code,TRUE,TRUE,rec); But while printing it is showing prod order of the last item of prod orer table how can i make it happen? thank you soumya

If i understand your query… A suggestion would be: Create 2 Globals: RelProdOrder Record Production Order Report50004 Report 50004 In the OnRun of the menu item specify: RelProdOrder.RESET; RelProdOrder.SETRANGE(Status, RelProdOrder.Status::Released); RelProdOrder.SETRANGE(“No.”,“No.”); RelProdOrder.FIND(’-’); Report50004.SETTABLEVIEW(RelProdOrder); Report50004.RUN; On the report add a text box with the source expression of the production order no. Hope this helps