AX 2009: Call stack in debugger


When I am in the debugger in 2009, double clicking on one of the methods in the calls stack does not take me to the corresponding method. Here is the text from the uesr document on how it is supposed to work.

"The Call Stack window in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Debugger displays the stack method calls. This allows you to see which method called the one that is currently being shown. The Call Stack window displays only X++ code frames. No kernel code is shown.

Selecting a method on the call stack changes the call stack level. The source code for the selected method is displayed in the code window. Changing the call stack level also refreshes the Variables and Watch windows so that they display the variables that are within the scope of the selected call stack level"

When I select a method, it does not display the corresponding code in the code editor, as described above. Does anyone have an idea why this might be?


– Manny


I have not come across any issue with Ax 2009 debugger so far. Debugger should work correctly as long as the underlying process is still running. See whether this helps -
