Application Server Documentation

I’m looking for what documentation is available for the Navision Attain Application Server. I can only find the installation guide. Does anyone got more?

Hi Erik, additional i have: - NAS Tutorial (How to create an application using Navision Application Server in 30 mins) → Word-Document in english - Comcom and the Bus adapter → Word-Document in english - “XML und Navision Application Server” including a “Technical white paper” (PDF-Document from Navision in german) plus some demo/example stuff

Hello Uwe Sounds like a great document to get ones hand on. Would you be willing to share this with use all. Like in a down load. Regards Graham

Hi Uwe, Where did you get this NAS Tuturial? I would really like a copy. Could you email it to me?

Hello, i mailed the files to Erik. i tryed to put it in the download-area but after one minute deep thinking i was not sure how to do it right [:I] Because i have never worked with NAS maybe Erik can say a few words about the usefullness of these files and put it in the download-area kind regards

Thanks Uwe, I’ll check it out ASAP (but not until next week) and the I’m going to upload it for everyone to download.

hi, please upload this files, there is almost no information about the NAS, so every information is welcome, thanks Nico

I’ve used both - NAS Tutorial (How to create an application using Navision Application Server in 30 mins) → Word-Document in english - Comcom and the Bus adapter → Word-Document in english and I found them really usefull, also because this is the only documentation you can find about NAS. I also found a help file in the Attain CD dealing with ComCom programming (you can find it under DevKit\Common\Navision\Communication Component, and the file is devguide.chm) Any other experience to share ??

You know what, guys (and gals)? This thread sounds to me like what has been the “Navision Standard” on documentation. - yes, there is lots of good documentation, but you have to be aware to ask it from your Navision country office. I’m working for an NSC, so you’d expect these docs to materialize on my desk automatically, but no way Jose. You have to be one hell of a detective to be posted on every new manual and document that is been created all around the world… BUT. I expect this to change now that Bill is leading us. They might even publish a book on Navision programming. - and yes, that would be the first… I’m really really curious and cant wait see who is the one to publish the first “real” programming book on Navision CAL, like “The CAL cookbook”.

It’s actually a very interesting topic you’re raising here. But I think we should take this as a seperate topic. “Support and documentation availablity accros countries” is surely something that might interest most people here. NEW TOPIC

Hi, Currently I am working on the NAS. However, not much technical document is available. I read the forum again to search the information. I notice that this posting (although one and half years later). Can anyone send me the NAS Tutorial document? Thanks, Richard

Hi Richard. You can check out this link It contains the NAS Tutorial (How to create an application using Navision Application Server in 30 mins) as well as some other useful stuff. Avi.