Account schedules???


Im doing an account schedule for the client… Bu i was wondering how do I setup the TOTAL that the range is below the range. Here is my sample.

This the last line.

Row no. = 39999

Description = Net Income for the Year

Totaling type = Total Accounts

Totaling = 40000…99999

The Row No. of account schedule 39999 only. The the 40000…99999 row must not display to the Account schedule, because they are not part of them, But I must use them for the totaling for sum row. Any advise? Hoping for your reply.

It is possible to have lines on the Schedule that are not shown: check the field “Show”. Intention with this field is to have numbers on the schedule used for calculations (sums and/or formulas)


Yes, I try it, but once I preview the Account Schedule, The account under 40000…99999, is also display, suppose to be not, any workaround. Hoping for your reply.Thanks

When you say preview, are you mentioning the matrix or the print preview?


It’s Previewing the Matrix.Hoping for your reply.Thanks

When you say “Preview” I suppose you mean “Overview”. Is so, yes, all lines are shown in this view. Don’t know why, but it is a reality…[:^)]

The Matrix will always show all lines as this is supposed to be the tool for checking the results (with drill down and everything).

The “Show/Hide” option will be used in the printouts only.

Ah…ok… I will try that…Ty for the reply