Im doing an account schedule for the client… Bu i was wondering how do I setup the TOTAL that the range is below the range. Here is my sample.
This the last line.
Row no. = 39999
Description = Net Income for the Year
Totaling type = Total Accounts
Totaling = 40000…99999
The Row No. of account schedule 39999 only. The the 40000…99999 row must not display to the Account schedule, because they are not part of them, But I must use them for the totaling for sum row. Any advise? Hoping for your reply.
It is possible to have lines on the Schedule that are not shown: check the field “Show”. Intention with this field is to have numbers on the schedule used for calculations (sums and/or formulas)
Yes, I try it, but once I preview the Account Schedule, The account under 40000…99999, is also display, suppose to be not, any workaround. Hoping for your reply.Thanks