I’ve set up an account schedule to run a report showing quarterly income and expenditures. I know that there is the option to show the amounts in additional reporting currency, but is it possible to set up the column layout to show both currencies at once, e.g. USD and EUR?
I was not able to find any help using the Dynamics help or searching the forum, so I would be really greatful if any of you can help! Please let me know if you need any additional information. (Version used: W1 3.60 (5.0))
I’m sorry I cant help you with your question, but I have been trying to set up a monthly and quarterly income and expenditurs account schedule and have struggles in many areas. Its very hard to find help on this. Is it possible to get a copy of you version which may help me?
Many thanks in advance. Ian Denny Anderson The Versapak Group
Comparison period formula is your friend here (in combination with other params/setup) … For example FY[1…3] is Q1 of fiscal year…
You’re right, that Help contains next to nothing about AccSched column layouts, and NO samples in Cronus, only simple ones. Bad news is, that I can’t explain here almost anything, too - it can’t be done in plain text msg, one could write a whole book about that…
Some of AccScheds I have created over years give the required result, but the design looks really awkward, unless you do not “run” it, you can’t even get the idea what the hell it is doing and HOW…
Try searching the forum, I recall I made a poor attempt to explain some hints earlier…
updated: Girish uploaded this one, check it out: Getting Started with Account Schedules