Where can i find a free demo virtual machine of Ax 2009?


I’m looking for a free virtual machine of Dynamics Ax 2009 for personal training purposes.

Is there still a link on Microsoft’s partner source site?

Is there a way to have it running on my windows7 pc?

Thank you very much in advance!

Just search for ax 2009 demo on PartnerSource and choose what you want. I believe that Refresh 4 can’t be used on Windows 7, but older ones can.

Found it, now downloading. Thank you very much indeed.

How do i deal then with licence and what does that implies? I mean, the one available on the website expired on October 2011. Will i be able to try Ax 2009 even without the licence?

thank you

Well, you can run AX even without any license, but it’s quite limited.

If you have access to PartnerSource, I would assume that you’re a partner and have an AX license.