Welcome to the new moderator of the SQL Server forum

I would like to welcome the moderator of the SQL Server forum : Jörg Stryk

Jörg has been a long time member of this community and was also awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for Dynamics NAV award based on his many postings here. On the latest Jörg has been speciallizing in SQL Server and Dynamics NAV and that’s why he has been selected the new moderator here. He’s one of the best in this little and very specialized segment.

But I will leave it to Jörg himself to give more information on himself.

Welcome Jörg as the NAV/SQL moderator. I think there are only a handfull of people out there that have been running NAV on SQL as long as you. Great to have you on the Moderator team.

Hi Erik & David!

Thank you very much for your warm welcome to my new task! For me it is an honor and pleasure to partcipate this way in dynamicsusers.net!

Here a brief introduction of myself (even though many of you already know me for a couple of years [;)]):

I’m working with NAV - Navision - for more than 10 years (and counting); starting in a “Navision Solution Center” as Developer, Consultant, Supporter and Project-Manager. Then I spent many years on NAV customer’s site, running a CompetenceCenter - an “inhouse NSC” - which I finally established as MS Dynamics Partner to support NAV installations all over Europe.

In 2003 I started focusing on NAV Technology and SQL Server - Performance Optimization & Troubleshooting. Since 2006 I’m freelancing to provide my services to NAV partners and customers worldwide.

Meanwhile I’ve fixed several dozens of NAV/SQL Server systems, and with every project I learn something new. I started to develop my own “NAV/SQL Performance Toolbox” - the thing I developed over the years and use for optimizations.

And of course: one of my major resources about NAV issues is dynamicsusers.net !

So, I’m looking forward to meeting you at the forums!

Best regards,
