Using MicrosoftBusinessConnecterNet from an external application


I use MicrosoftBusinnessConnectorNet from an external application. In AX I have a class (PRO_getActiveRefillTransportPalletes) that returns data in a temporary table (SPL_TransportIdList). My problem is : when I read the temporary table, this table is empty. Do you know how to read this temporary table ? Below the AX class and my code from my external application.

Thanks in advance.

My class in AX:

SPL_TransportIdList PRO_getActiveRefillTransportPalletes(str _operator, str _operatorInventLocation)
    WMSTransport        wmsTransport;
    EmplId              operator = _operator;
    InventLocationId    operatorInventLocation = _operatorInventLocation;
    SPL_TransportIdList transports;

    while select wmsTransport
        where wmsTransport.fromInventLocationId == operatorInventLocation
        && wmsTransport.expeditionStatus == WMSExpeditionStatus::Activated
        && wmsTransport.transportType == WMSTransportType::Refill
        transports.transport                    = wmsTransport.transportId;
        transports.item                         = wmsTransport.itemId();
        transports.pallet                       = wmsTransport.wMSPalletId;
        transports.inventLocationOrigin         = wmsTransport.fromLocation;
        transports.inventLocationDestination    = wmsTransport.inputLocation;
    return transports;

My code in my VS application:

// Create the .NET Business Connector objects.
Axapta ax;
AxaptaRecord axRecord;

// The output variables for calls to the 
// AxRecord.get_Field method.
object fieldName; 
object Response;

    // Login to Microsoft Dynamics AX.
    ax = new Axapta();
    ax.Logon(null, null, null, null);
    //calling the class
    Axobj = ax.CreateAxaptaObject("SPL_WMSPalletPickInterface");
    Response = Axobj.Call("PRO_getActiveRefillTransportPalletes", uSerid,Location);

    // Create a query using the AxaptaRecord class
    axRecord = ax.CreateAxaptaRecord(SPL_TransportIdList)
    // Execute the query on the table.
    axRecord.ExecuteStmt("select * from %1");

    // Loop through the set of retrieved records.
    while (axRecord.Found)
        // Retrieve the record data for the specified fields.
        fieldName = axRecord.get_Field("item");

        // Advance to the next row.

For reference and to avoid duplicate effort, note that this question already got many replies on another forum.