Upgrading localised and customised databases

I’m trying to upgrade a localised (dutch) and customised Financials 2.50 database from a client to Attain 3.60. Our normal upgrade processes fail because the tables, fields and functions in the old database are in Dutch while the new code is in English. Therefor it is almost impossible to use text comparison tools to merge the customisations into the new objects. The standard upgrade method described by Navision (Sorry, Microsoft Business Solutions [B)]) are also not applicable for that reason. The localisation workbench is not willing to accept my exported objects for translation [xx(] Is there someone who has solved this problem before? And now a one-line summary: Help! [:0] Eheirbaut@schouw.org

Open W1 Financials 2.50 database (It’s in your cd). In Object designer, select all objects and push: Tools, Languaje, Export c:\w1.txt Open customized backup Financials 2.50 database (only objects). In Object designer, select all standard objects and push: Tools, Languaje, Import c:\w1.txt. Compile all standard objects. You have your customized aplication, with all fields and variables in English. Best regads from BCN. Salut!

Indeed, this seems to work [:D]. I imported the W1 text over my modified objects and the customisations in those objects are translated. Alas, I did this AFTER I manually translated all code in the customised tables and codeunits [:(] but I will include this step in our upgrade procedures. Thanks [|)]!

Eric, don’t forget to use the convert tool to convert the messages (e.g. message(“This is a test”); to message(text5000); where text5000 = ENU(This is a test) etc.). Look at the manual for the upgrade. Walter

Thanks for the advices, I can now upgrade the objects rather easily. It still takes loads of time to copy all customisations but it can be overseen. While upgrading all forms, I’m meanwhile upgrading the customised data out of Financials 2.50 to Attain 3.60. This process is very well described in the manual included on the Attain CD. But, what I feared became true, there is a severe error in the objects used by Navision to perform this upgrade. Even the hotfixes 5-13 and 14 didn’t correct the error. (Overflow in a decimal value, caused by an update of a progress window) Does anyone know where I can get the most recent hotfixes for the 3.60 Upgrade toolkit?


Originally posted by EHeirbaut [what I feared became true, there is a severe error in the objects used by Navision to perform this upgrade. Even the hotfixes 5-13 and 14 didn’t correct the error. (Overflow in a decimal value, caused by an update of a progress window)

Which error? Some of us might have met it before. Anna

Well… at least with the US version (and i remember having the same problem with the spanish version too) the initial process is not fully optimized (you’re needing to modify it a bit and setting properly keys for making it going fast…) As example on a 3GB database from a customer the estimated time for finishing was so high as it was having to search in the ledger entries when setting filters that it was giving an overflow error when calculating the ending time… after optimization it took less than an hour to go through that step. Regards,

The error was an overflow in a decimal value, due to the calculation of the estimated ending time. So, I just replaced the ending time in the upgrade progress window by a nice clock