Timeout Error

Hi All,

Iam using webservice for integrated with another Database and retrieved employee details from this database and stored in Navision Table(Emp Temp). The data retrieved from the same Emp Temp table and stored in Navision Employee Table using Store Procedure.

I need to get all information in the Employee card when i open the Form.So I have added the code in OnOpenForm() of Employee card.

EmployeeDetails.RUN; ----For Webservice
myConnection.ConnectionString :=
‘Driver={SQL Server};Server=Server;Database=Navision;Persist Security Info=FALSE;’;
------For Calling the SP

When i open the Employee card im getting the Time out Error like this

The Call to member Execute failed.Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers returned the following mmessage: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

How can i resolve the issue above issue.



What would you think about creating a LinkedTable in NAVision to read the data from the remote database instead of firing a SQL statement? In this case you would have (almost) the same options as you would have with a normal NAV table and could run just plain C/AL code?