SMTP mail with link

I need to send smtp mail with link [*-)]

//SMTPVar = code uint 400


I need to know the error in this code and what the code i need to add
link in mail

I developed some forms on Navision and i used SMTP mail to sent the email from form with item path and it seem in the email like this

navision://client/run?database=d:%5Cerp_solution%5Cnavision%5Cr%26%26d%5Cdata%5Cr %26%26d1.fdb%26company=Ver4.0TrainingMe%26servertype=NAVISION%26target=Form%2030%26view=SORTING(Field1)%26position=Field1=0(PC0000001)

I want to convert this path to link so i can open this item from this path directly…

You need to build some html code with the tag yourself and assign it to the body.

We did this several times and it works fine.

Thank you Thomas

but can you send me the code [:$]

Mail.CreateMessage(‘Thomas’,‘’, ‘’, ‘This is a html Test’,‘click this link’,TRUE);

Mail is a variable for CU 400.

Just replace the text under double quotes with the link you want ot call.

Thanks a lot Thomas

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Sorry Thomas

I tried to click on the “Verify Solution” many times but it’s not working .


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