Report designer!


I just wonder this.

i want to do a Cust.ledger entry report. But the filter “name” isn’t in that table. I need that filter to be shown together with Customer number.

Is that possible? can i just integrate that filter? i have tryed but when i add that filter into the section it changes “name” to “Code100000000000”.

i hope its not that complicated:)

If you want to filter on the customer’s name, you can create a new field yourself in the Cust. Ledger Entry table.

Make it a lookup FlowField, that looks up Customer.Name (where Customer.“No.” = “Customer No.” ).

Thank you for the answer.

I want 4 filters from the cust. ledger entry. And 1 is missing. The name filter.

Where do i make a filter in cust.ledger entry? Object designer → ?? ->??.. im realy new on this so excuse me :slight_smile: