Record Variable

Hello I wanted to ask if someone knows how to work whit records variables

from declaring a record to fill a record

Ok the matter is that i want to use a record in a report like a Table field i mean use a textbox and use the record as its sourceexp .



can you explain what you are trying to to? Your post is a 10 on the 1 to 10 vagueness scale.

The more detail you add to your post - the better chance you will get succesful reply.

And you should definitely start reading some of the NAV documentation if you are not familiar with how records work.

Ok the matter is that i want to use a record in a report like a Table field i mean use a textbox and use the record as its sourceexp .


You can’t use a record as the SourceExpr for a text box; you can only use a field from that record or a variable.

then how i can use the report as a field in the report sections i mean i want to use the record as a field in the item.body on the report sections

I guess I’m just not understanding very well. You can use a table as your data item in the report if that’s what you mean.

When you say you “want to use the record as a field”, that is not possible. Records are NOT fields, they are made of fields. You have to choose exactly what fields you want to display and put each of those fields in a different text box in the body section of your report.

If you are trying to setup a report try using the Report Generation Wizard to generate a sample report or generate something to start with. Or design an existing report to see how it is done. Report 10046, Customer Register, is one that shows you a lot without being confusing.

And again, you should really read the NAV documentation for development or report design. You can find it on PartnerSource or CustomerSource.