Receiving No. Series Error Message

I’m using Navision Financials version 2.60.A and having some trouble posting purchase orders. I have all the necessary information entered in the purchase header, and all the G/L accounts and posting groups are set up correctly. But when I try to post the purchase order, I get an error message saying “You must specify Receiving No. Series in Purchase Header Document”. I’ve searched everywhere in Navision for the ‘Receiving No. Series’ field but cannot find it. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Looking forward to your help. Steve

The setup for this is located under the Purchases & Payables Setup on the numbering tab. After setting up the number series you might need to delete the Purchase Order and re-enter it again to assign the number series to the PO header.

Thanks very much for your help. Steve

You probably will find that you need to recreate the purchase order. Fortunately, the Functions → Copy Documents process makes this pretty simple.

Hi, Have the same problem when I try to post the purchase order; get the error message “You must specify Receiving No. Series in Purchase Header Document”. I have already filled out all fields on the numbering tab in the Purchases & Payables Setup. Anyone have another solutions to the problem? Lasse

The field receiving no. series in your purchase order is probably empty. You can try to put this field on your form using formdesigner and then choose the right no.series. Otherwise, recreate the order.

Thanks for the solution but I would like to explain in more details on where to enter your No. Series Code into Purchase Header Table field.

Have 2 fields must fill up your series no.

  1. Posting No. Series

  2. Receiving No Series

You must copy and paste to all Purchase Order Header at the Table.

Bingo… the purchase can be posted.

King4891… Spot on!