Posting Sales invoice

I want to add new field in Sales line for example “Roll Id” and after posting that Sales line I want to add this Field in All posting Documents i.e Cust. Ledg. Entries, Det.Cust. Ledg. Entries, G/L Entries etc. Please reply me if it Possible.

You need to add field in follwoing table

  1. Sales Line

  2. Sales Invoice Line

  3. Gen.Journal Line

  4. Cust Ledger Entry and so on

Need to modify the code in CU 80

and ensure the field no of the field is same in sales line and sales invoice line

Sir Can you send me Code or just give Idea about it…

Check how the base fields are flowing and simply add your code below them…

Dont expect code from forum…

Done… Thanks

Good to here… [Y]

how do u done that,explain me