Posted Sales Invoices are Missing

Hi all,

In my LIVE database, some “Posted Sales Invoices” were missing and all other tables entries were available for these particular invoices. All these invoices were for only one particular Customer and only for 1 month period. Rest all were fine.

Here only my user had "Super" rights and i have never touched this details.

Please can you share your ideas "How could these “Posted Sales Invoices” were missing .

Thank U

What version are you on?

Is it possible user has deleted them from the header,?, We all know its a foolish thing to do to delete posted documents but it is possible im afraid.

Regardless of version posted sales invoices can be deleted. So that’s one possibility.

Check the Form properties DeleteAllowed .If it is set to Yes then user can delete the posted document

You need to set it to NO so user can not delete the same


I think Navision allows the users to delete the posted ones once it is printed. Probably we need to set the form as delete allowed “no”.

Where have you checked for these invoices?

Have checked in table 112 ?