Populate Financial dimensions


I have a requirement to populate financial dimensions from the default dimension of the project, when i create a new stores requisition from project. I dont want the dimension to be entered manually.

i found Table StoresReqLine which has initFromProjTable methods,anyone knows what code to include

Do you have copyDimension on your table?

Have a look at \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventJournalTrans\Methods\initFromProjTable

Please post the development related questions in Developer forum. For now i am moving it to DEV forum (from user forum).

Yes i do have copy dimension on my table

this.DefaultDimension = this.copyDimension(projTable.DefaultDimension);

its not populating the dimensions

Have you tried to debug? Does DefaultDimension has any value in the table?

yes the DefaultDimension has values in the table

Debugging shows values exists but not displaying

Is that value correct? if so then it could be issue with displaying the values in form.