.Net Business Connector

Hi all…

I’m trying to connect to Dynamics ax 4 SP1 through the .net business connector. I wrote a asp.net web application in vb.net. It seems to start logging in, but then I’m redirected to a page not found. Can someone please assist me in this, thanx in advance[I]

Dim axp As Bcn.Axapta
Dim nc As System.Net.NetworkCredential
Dim UserId As String = “bcproxy”
Dim passwd As String = “password”
Dim NetworkDomain As String = “DynamicsAX.local”

nc = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(UserId, passwd, NetworkDomain)

axp = New Bcn.Axapta()


axp.LogonAs(“an ax user”, NetworkDomain, nc, “001”, “EN-ZA”, “AX40VPC:2712”, “”)

Catch ex As Bcn.BusinessConnectorException

Dim msg As String
msg = ex.Message

Label1.Text = msg

Exit Sub
End Try

Dim salutation As String

salutation = axp.CallStaticClassMethod(“CdltllDemoBcnClass”, “Salute”, “CESAR”)

Label1.Text = salutation