Hi, Does anybody know where I can get the following Manuals: Navision Analysis Methodology Navision Project Fullfilment? Thanks very much
From your NTR (Navision Netherlands!)
Dear Sven, I can help you with ‘implementation methodology’ but not ‘Analysis methodology’
Vincent, That would be great, could you send it to Sven@bas-systems.nl?? Thanks
Vincent, Maybe I am wrong, but I never got that Manual. Could you please send it to: Sven@bas-systems.nl Thank very much in advance!
Hello Vincent, Can u please also send me a copy of “implementation methodology” to ajay_setin@yahoo.com Thank you.
Hi Vincent, Can u please send a copy to rchew@dptech.com.sg Appreciate and Thanks in advance.
Hi Vincent, Could you please send me a copy of Navision Implementation Methodology as well. udays_s@yahoo.com Thanks, Uday
Hello Vincent, if it s not matter , may i have also this Imp. Meth. Guide ozcan.kinali@aromel.com.tr thans a lot ozcan
Dear Vincent, Can u please send a copy of implementation methodology to ramakumar71@yahoo.com. Thanks Ram
Hi all, Please someone who already has this documentation send also a copy to navi4bbch@yahoo.com. Many thanks!
Hi All, is there anybody out there who has this documentation??? If yes, please post a reply. Greetings, Frank
Hi All! What you need to do is to contact your NTR’s, and they will be able to provide you with documentation, training and help in the Partner Implementation Methodology (Analysis is a part of the Implementation Methodology). Cheers /David
Hi Vincent, dont mind could u please send ‘Implementation Methodolgy’ document for me. Thanks and regards My mail id is kotichintala@rediffmail.com Mahesh K
Hi, Vincent I’ve been looking for a copy myself for a long while Anna anna@sicosbt.it
Me too! Please? Jim jimk@adnm-grp.com
I have “Installing & Maintaining Navision Analyst” in *.PDF. Is this what someone needs?
Hi Mr Ruiz Could you tell the size of the pdf document before i ask you to sent me? Thanx
1.54 mb it’s zipped
Hi Vincent, Can u please send a copy to guillermo.bravo@gepinsof.es Many thanks!