Macro with Parameter

Hy Folks, I want to know how i can start a Marco(in Word) with Parameters. My Code works, very well but i need a parameter start of the macro. CREATE(wdApp); wdDoc := wdApp.Documents.AddOld(pfad); wdApp.ActiveDocument.Fields.Update; … // Starte Word Macro wdApp.Run(‘MACRO 1’); // How can i give the Macro a parameter ??? wdApp.Visible := TRUE; wdApp.ActiveDocument.Fields.Unlink; CLEAR(wdApp); CLEAR(wdDoc); CLEAR(wdRange); ------------ Best regards Alejandro Schubert

When you declare the variable as parameter in the macroname, you can pass the value when calling. Hmmm, a sample is mor clear, I think: Sub Macro1(TxtVar As String) Selection.TypeText Text:=TxtVar End Sub Now should be able to call the macro as wdApp.Run(‘MACRO1(“Hello”)’); (tried in Word, but not from Navision - so no warranty) John

Hi, I did this with EXCEL: wdApp.Run(‘MACRO1’,param1,param2,…); You can use String, Decimal and Integer parameters. Valentin Gvozdev BMI Inc.

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