Line Amount VS. Amount on Sales Line

Can anyone tell me why the Amount and Amount including VAT fields are not populated on an unposted Sales Line unless the document is Released? The issue we have is that we want to be able to give a Total Amount Including GST for the Sales Document/Header BEFORE posting it. (needs to work for Invoices as well as Orders) Thanks, Nikolai L’Estrange

Hi Nikolai, Have a look at what happens when you press F9 from a sales order, there is a function SalesLine.UpdateVATOnLines that does the calculation. Just call it for each line. cheers, Dan.

Thanks Dan! I did this already (actually made it calcualte whenever Line Amount is calc’d). Just was wondering why it didn’t do it already (and if what I’ve done is going to stuff anything up). They don’t want to have to press anything (UFL - I’m sure you understand…) :slight_smile: Nikolai.

hi, Pls write a code With conditional Id that code requires to use and If Not available then call where it requires by making it global Thnaks

Hi Nikolai, Ah UFL, I understand. Running the calculation doesn’t upset anything (otherwise you wouldn’t be able to use F9!) and it all gets redone when you release anyway. We’ve done it for a couple of reports that need this info. I don’t know why Navision do it like this, maybe just in case the GST rate changes after you enter the invoice but before you post? Does anyone know? cheers, Dan.

Hi Dan


Originally posted by Dan Kelly
… I don’t know why Navision do it like this, maybe just in case the GST rate changes after you enter the invoice but before you post? Does anyone know? …

IMHO one answer could be: It is to difficult to put all the VAT calculation code in each line. bye André