Legal Entity Restriction on Form

I am trying to add a form but the form is only needed in one of the legal entities. No other company needs to see this form. I have created a Display Menu Item that will show the custom form and uses a custom Table as the only data source. What do I need to change to make the menu item show only when the legal entity is set to that one company that needs to use this?

It depends on what you’re trying to achieve; your description doens’t make it clear.

If it means that the menu item should be visible only when a user is logged into a particular company, this is managed by security. You’ll grant the permission in a single company; the menu item won’t be visible at all in companies where the user isn’t allowed to use it.

If you added a the menu item to a form and whether it should be visible or not depends on the legal entity of the currently selected record, you can change the visibility from code.

This menu item will be going on the released products action pane and is only usable on that legal entity’s products. But I believe the first scenario would be the answer to this. Security is being managed by a different group so I will have to communicate this with them then.
