Hi all, When I assign a particular item charge on a purchase invoice say Sales commision paid to a sales invoice , it does get assigned and the value entry of the purchase invoice shows that assignment. ( The assignment shows as a value entry, And when I run the post item cost to G/L batch job, It does not get posted to the G/L acounts.) I do not get the same figure reflecting in the Statistics window of the sales invoice. What should I do so that I get the item charge assignment as a part of statistics of that Sales Invoice. ( This is required to account for the costs which are incured on a sales but are not charged to the Customer and it goes as an additional expense on a sale.) Regards, DD
No takers yet? Is my query confusing? DD
Modifying the sales invoice statistics screen so it takes as total amount the value of the sum of the value entries instead of the sum of the value of the lines of the invoice.
Hi, There is also another aspect, there will be difference in valuation of inventory as per inventory module and as per G/L. How would you take care of reconciling the difference
You haven’t said what version you are using, but in 3.70 , I think what you are talking about this is the concept of non-inventoriable costs, that you can see on the item statistics profit screen, but they are not part of the value entries costs for that item, therefore they will not affect your sales statistics.