Invent transaction filteration


I tried to filter the transactions of inventory transactions with no financial date (not yet invoiced) by using ="" on the filter option, but it shows the error

Division by zero. - (S)\Data Dictionary\Tables\InventTrans\Methods\CIT Sales Value - line 15 (C)\Classes\QueryRun\next (C)\Classes\FormDataSource\executeQuery (C)\Forms\InventTransItem\Data Sources\InventTransOrigin\Methods\executeQuery - line 28 (C)\Classes\FormDataSource\research (C)\Classes\FormRun\task (C)\Classes\SysSetupFormRun\task - line 27 error

since there were a lot of transactions I can’t transfer that data to excel

Help me to find those transactions which were not invoiced or didn’t have any financial date

Shouldn’t it be like “1900-01-01” or something? Is it truly empty or is it a min date?

it’s empty and I need those not invoiced transactions… for all transactions like purchase, sales, transfer

There seems to be bug in the method on InventTrans that you claim to be called “CIT Sales Value” (which is not a valid method name). It tries to divide by zero (at line 15).