integration with Biztalk

I have set up biztalk, NAS and commerce gateway. I have setup a vendor and customer. Commerce gateway service is running…now what is next? where i see the result? I want to transfer any document by biztalk, how can i do that?

Setting up Commerce gateway can be a complex task. Did you setup Biz talk? Did you took a look to documentation. It explains quite well all necessary steps.

I followed commerce gateway manual. Yes i setup Biztalk and NAS. Now for the test what i am doing is to send product catalog and i face this error ,

the document could not be send because of the system error.

in the partner setup …i put destination address as a some folder in the drive. e.g; E:\New folder…is that correct?

In the CG catalog , there is nothing mentioned about setting up Recieve port. Do i have to setup recieve port?