Import batch number dimension in purchparmline from excel before posting Packing Slip

Hi All,

We have one business requirement where user will import batch number dimension with customized excel import functionality before posting Packing Slip.

My question is how i can update the dimension on Packing Slip form(or purchparmline) because everything is coming from Purchase Line table and dimension id will be same across purchase line, inventtrans ? Kindly help.


Hi All,

Got the solution myself :).

Created a query with PurchTable > PurchLine > InventDim relation. Created document service using wizard, then for import button created a class and methods as per required. Then at the time of import from excel, first i am checking whether the InventBatch table is having similar batch id or not, if not then first i am inserting a record for new inventbatchid in the respective table. Then to update purchline inventory dimensions i wrote a join query between purchline and inventdim and updating inventdimid by using findorcreate method of inventdim table by passing new dimensions. Then to update purchparmline table i have used relation of PurchParmLine.PurchLineRecID = PurchLine.RecId. So now it is working fine.

We can put validations as per the requirements.


Hi Varun,

I am having same scenario like you. I am using SalesPackingslip Service to create Packing slip of particular sales order from C#. I wanted to pass InventBatchId from that service. but It is not allowed, since it is updated from SalesLine Table. so how can I pass inventBatchId from C#.