How to replicate copy from all functionality in Sales Order --> Functions--> Copy from all


I am new to Ax , my requirement is I need to replicate copy from all functionality in Sales Order → Functions–> Copy from all.

I have tried debugging the standard ales table but i did not understand the data flow.

Can somebody please explain me how to write a class like SALES COPYING class and how to use temporary table in the menuitem form. what are the methods i should use in my form and scenario how to get the records from other form by using Caller .

Thanks in advance,


The \Forms\SalesCopying\Methods\canClose will call the SalesCopying class for copying the data. Add a break point here and try to see the code flow.The edit* methods in the forms are called to fill the temporary tables and same will send to the close in the canCloase method.

Hi Kranthi,

I have tried and reached to some extent. Mark All Check box in salescopying form is not getting checked when i click on it.